Saturday, April 17, 2010

Parting Ways with Facebook

You know that your addicted to Facebook when:
1. You have a 10 page research paper that is worth half your grade due tomorrow and you find yourself getting distracted by facebook every 5 mins.
2. When talking with your friends someone says a random comment and you all exclaim "facebook quote!"
3. After meeting someone new, you ask if they have a facebook.
4. You check your facebook as soon as you wake up, and right before you go to bed, including the 10 times you check it during the day.
5. You feel like you are missing out on...

As I have mentioned in a previous posting, I have become addicted to facebook...

This addiction to consistently know what is going on in the lives of others and them to know my life has gotten out of control. After a long discussion with BF last night, I realized that the only way to release this addiction is to deactivate my profile. When Facebook affects your relationship, it is time to re-evaluate your priorities!

See this has been an ongoing struggle in my relationship with BF and has been the cause of more than one fight. He feels that I spend any free time on facebook that should be spent with him and he is right. When I am with him and he is doing/watching something that doesn't interest me, I automatically turn to my phone and go on Facebook. Now it has been causing an even larger fight because I feel that if we are in a relationship then his profile should reflect it. Now, I know that the hacker changed his status to widowed but I think that it should be changed back to in a relationship with me. Plus, when we broke up he changed his info to looking for women and dating and this upsets me that it hasn't been changed either. He tells me that it is not a big deal cause he is rarely on facebook and that we know we are together. Well, let me tell you, it does not make me happy at all! If you are with me then you should be proud and want others to know and if facebook doesn't mean anything to you then what is the big deal to change it back!

Ok so now that I am done ranting...I have decided that for the best of my relationship I deactivate my Facebook. I did need to set up a profile so that I can continue to run my fan page for my business but that will be strictly for business only. I know that I will go through my withdraws but hopefully my relationship will improve instead of disintegrate!

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