Wednesday, March 31, 2010

One Baby Step Forward

"Don't let someone become your everything, because when they're gone you have nothing"

I love that quote because it reminds me that even though I love my boyfriend so much, I can't live my life for him but for ME! Today has been a better day in general. I did practice my affrimations but I feel I need to expand on them a bit more by reciting them in the mirror a few times a day. I was reciting my affirmations in the morning before I left for work but now I will recite them in the evening also. This is my goal for the rest of the week and get into a routine with this.

Update on my setback...
My boyfriend ended up getting very sick with a high fever so as the good girlfriend I brought him chicken noodle soup, gatorade, crackers, sherbert, medicine and a magazine to feel better. Along with the medicine I brought him a bouquet of 9 red roses- 1 for each month we have been together and an extra rose for the future we will share, 2 pink roses- one for each of us and 2 stargazer lilies. See when he and I started dating, he brought me 2 dozen roses-1 dozen pink and 1 dozen red roses, so as a symbol of my love for him I put the roses together with my other fav flower, lilies. I think he liked them but he is quite out of it with being sick.

So one baby step at a time I will find myself again....


  1. I hope things work out the way you' want them to. Relationships are never easy. I think I believe in a little twist of that quote...If you do let someone be your everything and if and when they are gone you have all those memories(good and bad) and lessons you have learned from that situation which will carry you on to the next step. Just think of it as you are living life the way you both want it to be don't feel like you will loose yourself just because you are passionate and give 100% of yourself to a person or situation. That's what makes who is very special and wonderful person. Ok sorry if I sound like I am rambling...

  2. G- You are not rambling at all! I love the fact that you have all your memories and lessons to take with you and teach you. What I was meaning with that quote is that I have gotten to a point where I have lost myself as a person with him. All I can think of is him and all I want to do is spend time with him. When we fight I tend to freeze and not be able to function at all, I just sit and stare into space. I need to remember that I need to have a life with or without him....
